Our team is ready to capture your vision.
Photography and Videography Packages available
Additional portfolio videos available on our Youtube
When it comes to the best New Jersey videographers and photographers, many seek to find “that” We Are Jersey Ent. Well, look no further. WAJ! is your entertainment Firm that now resides as your graphic design agency in NJ.
Collectively, the members of WAJ! have had over —--- years of experience in and on the advertising avenues in New Jersey. We Are Jersey Entertainment can capture special moments at the right time. Need a team of videographers for a live event? We got you covered!
Since the beginning of time, Videography has played an integral role in world communication. No doubt, the roots of visual communication have been around for thousands and thousands of years.
At our firm, we have so many top levels of videographers and photographers that have exceptional abilities to capture your everlasting moments through visual forms. Our videographers use their unique talents to craft messages utilizing visual forms that will leave you speechless.
Our Videography services include:
Research & Strategy
This is the backbone of our entire agency. We approach every project with very special insight, affinities, and beliefs to make it iconic. We highly survey the competitive analysis, story finding, and market research up to the content strategy.
Creative Strategy & Development
After we have got quality data during the research phase is time to think big and develop concepts that speak to your specific project. So, we do script writing, art direction, storyboarding, concept development, and creative direction.
Video Production Phase
Now it is time to bring our entire ideas into actual practice (execution) and this is what we do best, we always deliver quality results.
Our team is also available for:
- Fashion Video Sessions
- Advertising
- Model Visuals
We offer eCommerce, clothing, cosmetics, and more high-quality product commercial videography in the New Jersey and New York City area. Not only that but also, but music, documentary, advertising, and podcast are also part of our services.
The best New Jersey videographers? Listen, no need to travel back in time to find a great entertainment agency in New Jersey. WAJ is here to give you the best service you have ever seen
Our team is ready to capture your vision. Photography and Videography Packages are available, Additional portfolio videos are available upon request!
We Are Jersey Entertainment can capture special moments at the right time. Need a team of videographers for a live event? We got you covered!
We offer eCommerce, clothing, cosmetics, and more high quality product commercial videography in the New Jersey and New York City area.
- Advertising
- Podcasts